trainers classified by
relevant areas of activity
and the level of proficiency ... SEARCH FOR A COACH
Contact information
Partnerstvo za zdravlje/Partnerships in Health
Dr. Mustafe Pintola 1,
71000 Sarajevo, BiH
tel: +387 33 627 652 / +387 33 622 482
fax: + 387 33 627 656
Project coordinator: Haris Karabegović
e-mail: hkarabegovic@partnershipsinhealth.ba
Project assistant: Tarik Prašo
e-mail: tarikpraso@partnershipsinhealth.ba
If you have a question or would like to make a suggestion, please contact us directly or via data that are above or via the contact form below
* All form fields are required
* CAPTCHA code at the bottom of the form uses only capital letters and numbers

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