Project financed by the EU
COACHES DATABASE Information on registered
trainers classified by
relevant areas of activity
and the level of proficiency ...

Invitation to the traning

Posted by Admin at 11:00 AM on decembar 17. 2013 Invitation to the traning
We cordially invite you to attend the training „Advocacy in the policy development process and Monitoring implementation of laws and policies“ which will be held in Hotel „Maršal“, Bjelašnica on Monday, 23 December 2013, from 9.00 until 17.00 ...
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Database for better cooperation of government institutions and nongovernmental organizations

Posted by Admin at 13:00 PM on decembar 10. 2013 Database for better cooperation of government institutions and nongovernmental organizations
Association Partnerships in Health promoted the database of CSO working in the health sector oriented at identifying organizations that have the capacity and fulfil the criteria for cooperation with government institutions on the press conference held today in Sarajevo
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Invitation to the press conference

Posted by Admin at 10:00 AM on decembar 09. 2013 Invitation to the press conference
We cordially invite You to the press conference: 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 10 Hotel Bosnia, Kulovića 9, Sarajevo
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World AIDS Day

Posted by Admin at on novembar 29. 2013
Partnerships in Health and partner organizations and institutions are observing World AIDS Day through a series of activities. The scope of activities also includes observance of the Europe HIV Testing Week at the twenty one Voluntary and Confidential Testing (VCT) centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Individual consultant procurement notice

Posted by Partnership in health at 11:25 AM on novembar 27. 2013
Providing guidance on government strategy and legislation for encouraging networks CSOs in health sector to participate in efficient cooperation with government and health institutions
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Previous news

„Prezentacija postojećih mehanizama suradnje nevladinih organizacija i vladinih institucija u sektoru zdravstva“ New monkey vaccine could be answer to HIV cure 21 September - A Day With HIV
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